It's Never Too Late To Learn To Love Yourself ♥

 April 13, 2012

The New Me!

My name is Cookie. I am a 29-years old (139 days away from the big 3-0, sucks-- I know!) with 29 years of passion for art, & beauty.

Me at 5. Yay!
To those who've known me since grade school, you could probably testify that I've been a regular persona up on the grade school stadium stage. Either for winning an art contest or a poster-making contest or, singing contest (Hahaha, I'm not trying to brag, but yeah...I thought those were the only talents I have that time, that's why ;). When I transferred schools during high school, I tried to fit in. Being a new kid on the block, away from the people I've been with for 8 years of my early childhood, I could not see or determine, or even place myself in clubs. Until I felt again my passion for the arts.

I joined the prestigious Art Class during senior year in high school and vowed from then on that I will continue to pursue my love for art whatever happens.

I remember growing up, I always sat down in front of my mom's vanity mirror and tried on every single lipstick, eye shadow and even high-heeled shoes. Oh, to grow up! My mom always tell me "just wait and you'll soon grow up and get to do your own make-up". It was a loooooong wait, I swear. After school, I'd run to my mom's room and make-pretend that I was an adult by wearing my moms platform shoes, her lipstick and blush-ons and just look at myself in the mirror, wishing there was a fast forward  button in time.

Highschool or even the university wasn't as friendly as I thought. I have a lot of regrets during my school days, having studied too much (I think?), not socializing with people a lot, not partying out much either, but particularly, I could not accept the fact that most days, I look like a harassed lady. Believe it or not, in spite of my heavy school bag, one thing was missing. A "kikay kit". So I vowed myself that I will ( and I mean it), never go out of the house without looking first in the mirror and telling myself --you look good.

YES, LADIES--you don't have to be a professional make-up artist to feel good about yourself. If you were good at poster-making or art contests way back in grade school, YOUR HANDS PROBABLY MISS DOING IT!. And artists have the lightest of hands, so you'll probably do good when you try damping those brushes in a makeup palette! (Go ahead, give it a try!). If you don't think you were even good at doing an art project back then, not to lose hope! Make up is an art by itself. But you don't need an artist's hands to do a simple day-to-day make up look. You just need a good brush set & a palette. And NOTE: Make-up application is not ROCKET SCIENCE. It can be learned.

What I am trying to tell you in this blog post is that--IT IS NEVER TOO LATE TO LEARN TO BEAUTIFY YOUR FACE & TO TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF. I have known a lot of women, who, after being married, suddenly dismissed the idea of looking good. Yes, as a parent, you are responsible for your kids' needs, but you are also responsible for your own needs--to take care of that beautiful face, to maintain your glowing skin and to never lose that "x-factor" which your husband once saw in you. Remember, your partner will always want to be seen with someone who other men will drool over with. I am not a graduate of a cosmetic school, but I am experienced enough in life that I am able to tell you these. LOVE YOUR FACE, LOVE YOUR BODY, and you will never regret it, EVER.

Me at 29!
Now, I feel really good about myself. And people say, it shows. I've gained a lot of confidence when I finally decided to put that "oomph" back in my life. I am loving my work as a freelance make-up artist! And now, I can proudly tell my mom "I am now doing my own make-up!" and I wouldn't probably ransack her her room with all her make up stuff. In fact, I look forward to making my mom look beautiful in every occasion she'll attend to.

So to all my ladies, look yourself in the mirror and say "I WILL TAKE CARE OF MYSELF, BECAUSE I OWE IT TO ME!"

PS: If you have anything to share with me, any comments, or suggestions, please feel free to send me an email at

Good night all! Sweet dreams!

The Smoky Blue Palette


Anonymous,  April 29, 2012 at 11:43 AM  

Im so proud of you! Congratulations!

thesmokeybluepalette April 30, 2012 at 5:54 AM  

many many many thanks marekoy bave! :) salamat sa suporta!

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